Totally Inappropriate

Isn’t it funny how when you need to be serious, the most crazy thing happens and you can’t help react in a very inappropriate way, often to looks of disgust from passers by.

Well, this was no different….

A friend and I are fans of Jodi Picoult and although I had not read the book ‘My Sisters Keeper‘ at this point my friend had told me all about it, so when the film was released at the cinema we just had to have ourselves a girly date to go and watch it.

Stacked up with oversized fizzy drinks, buckets of popcorn and more food than we could physically eat between us without busting a few seam stitches here are there we made our way into the darkened screen room, found our seats and settled in for the duration.

As the film went on, we got engrossed in the story line and were enjoying the film (well as much as you can ‘enjoy’ a weepy).  This was until a lady about 4 rows behind us started crying!  Now, when I say crying I don’t mean a little sniffle here or there, I mean full on sobbing and it went on, and on, and on…

It is very difficult for me to remain straight faced when someone is acting like this, and to be honest she could have at least tried to keep it down rather than interrupting everyone’s viewing pleasure with her howling.  But instead of turning around and telling her to shut the fluff up, I remained polite, left her to her crying and just chuckled beneath my breath at the randomness of it all, and after a while she just blended into the background noise of the movie.

If you have seen this film, you will know that it is indeed an emotional film about a girls battle with Leukemia, and towards the end, as the story is coming to an end, tears are welling in everyone’s eyes, and there is a hushed silence in anticipation of her last breath.

It was at this exact moment that the girl who had been bawling earlier in the film, started up again and the one sat in the seat behind me let out a huge BLLEEEUUURRRRGGGGGHHHHH and threw up all over the floor by her feet.  This in itself had me in hysterical laughter at totally the wrong time!  The moment was gone, the empathy that I was feeling just moments before was gone, and instead had been replaced with uncontrollable laughing.

Because the floor in cinema’s are usually sloped towards the front of the room, I had to very quickly retrieve my handbag from the floor and place it on my lap, which was just in time, as the sick from behind was working its way under my seat and in the direction of the screen.

That was it, I was a gonner!  There were tears running down my aching cheeks, I could hardly breathe and I was choking from trying my hardest to laugh quietly, my friend who had also been laughing was also set off to extreme levels and as the closing credits started to scroll on the screen there was no choice but to get out of there quickly before the lights came on and we could see the looks of disgust from the people that were a bit unfortunate, but the real reason why we were laughing.

It wasn’t the kind of crying I was expecting when I got my ticket for the movie at the kiosk, but cor blimey it was hilarious! Totally inappropriate, but damn funny and definitely a trip to remember!  Cinema’s just aren’t the same anymore lol.