Oh Pants!!!

Now I’m not sure if I’m going to make myself look even more of a doofus by admitting to this one, because it is me and only me that suffers with this curse – but does anyone elses pants fall down at the most inappropriate times?

I don’t want you worrying that I’m flashing my bare bits to the world, its not quite that bad, but it does seem to happen in the most awkward, and public of places meaning that retrieving them from deep down in my trousers isn’t easy.

I’m not sure if I’ve got a wonky bum, or a certain wiggle in my walk, but while my trousers, jeans etc all stay up and where they are supposed to be.  My pants wriggle down, just a little bit at a time with each step I take, and before I know it they are rolled up under my butt cheeks leaving my bare skin exposed against the outer layer of clothing.  My pants are the right size, so I know its not because they are too big, and they don’t do it when I’m wearing a skirt – only clothing with legs!

More often than not, this embarassing and ever so slightly uncomfortable unveiling happens in the supermarket when I’m going about my bore of a chore buying groceries!  Why???  By the time I get to the checkout I’m convinced that everyone can tell my knickers have gone haywire, because I have a bulky looking ridge where they’ve rolled up into a VVPL (very visible panty line).

It happened again last night, only this time I was at my first ever kickboxing class.  to accompany my undies, I was wearing some everyday comfy joggers, a vest top and a sports bra – nothing unusual there!  However, as part of our warm up we had to skip, something I haven’t actually done since I was in a school playground as a child.  Not only was it more tiring than I ever remember it, especially when hopping from one foot to the next at high speed. But….on this occasion it actually made my pants fall down.  As I was jumping around, they literally wiggled their way down in record time to the tops of my legs where they were stopped by my joggers, but then my joggers started to loosen and slide down too.  So as I stop to grab my pants and yank them up, and tighten the string on my trousers as tight as possible to prevent any serious embarrassment.  I look down to realise that my right boobie has also decided to wriggle out of its holster and needed putting away too.

My body is rebelling, and attempting to turn me into a flasher and for the sake of those around me and not wanting a criminal record I need a solution!  Oh, and if anyone else suffers with problematic public declothing, it’d be nice to know I’m not alone so fess up!